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That jump scare though LOL


kyle williams12

So when it comes to the blind part, that could be a lie they told them so the alba won't connect to the 86 to see them or the battle field.

Gabriel S Soares

I was waiting the reaction for that last scene 🤣


All those wild theories ! Can't wait for you all to find out the truth lol

eduardo jaimes

Can we say what was In His pocket?

eduardo jaimes

Mod fill free an delete it is a spoiler it was shins brother tag that he pulled from his mech when he was little you could say shin brother dog tag took the bullet for shin and it also showed that shin lied and did not putt him to rest whit the rest of the 86 in the box


Yes there was something giving directives to the Legion in the beginning of the episode. Kiri was part of the force that attacked the Republic, as shown by Frederica's vision of his present time. The biggest problem now for Shin is how he's slowly slipping due to everything thats happened to him and acting more like Kiri before he was taken by the Legion. Back to Lena, her uncle wasn't necessarily against her ideas but knew the country was not going to change over night neither the 86 or the Albas due to what happen. In a way he inspire her as to push againt her child like ideas but she never gave in and prove him wrong when she connected to every 86 still available to regroup and fight for the Republic. So he did what any adult would do and fight to protect a childs dream and fought for her at the end. She was also preparing for this attack since Shin and gang warned her about the Legion time limit not being a thing. In previous episodes there was a small map with red parts showing how the legion was beginning to surround the republic, this was a few frames and easy to miss but it foreshadowed the coming battle with the Legion. Let's see what happens next after Shin let his power known to the Federicay. Sory for the long winded comment but this show just has so much to talk about, as always enjoying your reactions to the show!

Jacob Martinez

That jump scare got me lol 😂

Jake Thompson

Uncle does nothing but spit facts. He knows the Alba are despicable, that the 86 are marginalized and essentially being genocided. If the 86 did just bail and let the Alba get wiped out, he'd have no problem with it, in fact he thinks it's what SHOULD happen. When he says "if we're lucky, it'll just be a massacre", he's leaving the rape and pillaging part out, which is unfortunately way too common in these types of situations. Despite all that, he still walks his ass to the front lines with a rifle to buy Lena time so that her idealist dream gets one last chance of becoming the new reality instead of the corrupt system he's been stuck in for a decade.


Haha that Kiri "I will kill you" ghost moment. Next episode start is really good, too bad we didn't get that fully shown to us. Waiting for next episode =)


The Lena's uncle is trying to protect her he feels her views as naive and understands how terrible the Republic is and he's basically saying what you want isn't possible with the leaders in change and its a pretty good bet the people in the 86 district don't all share your/her* feelings but if you continue down this path I'll protect you until you get crushed by reality. it's the " I rather be wrong than right but I know I'm right " type of attitude


Her Uncle straight up spitting facts ngl

Antonius K

“Or is it revealing that he’s, like, bionic?”😂😂y’all make my day


Yeah, i think for all the Alba it's convenient if the 86 died, because if there's not 86, then there's noone who would accuse the Alba of their sins. They could very well forget about all that shit, and live like they never did it. There's a saying "what the eyes do not see, the heart does not regret". Anyway, i think he actually decided to go to the frontline mostly for Lena. Despite having totally opposite views on the world, he really cherished his family.


Why do I always got the impression, what the Uncle was going to do with that rifle is take out Alba leadership so they don't stop Lena's orders from being followed. Sometimes the anime really didn't give characters like the uncle enough answers for viewers. I know the point from Uncle was the philosophical aspect for the story.

Lu Bu



I don't think it would be. annette even mentions potential brain damage from using the paraRAID, and she's basically at the forefront of the technology atm


I have a feeling that karstahl may not have always been so pessimistic, and that he perhaps fell into despair after vaclav, lena's father, dies. It's sad that he ends up dying, I'm sure he would have actually been a great leader in the end. I believe that many of the people who lena convinces to help prepare against the legion came from that very same lecture with young officers where she goes off script and reveals the truth about the 86. every one that we see are quite young, and I'm sure she must have reached some of their hearts.

Juan Contreras

She has never seen terminator 😳 Ron you got to watch those movies with her on your own time if you got time that is or could react to it