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Holy fuck you are getting massive. How much weight have you packed on now? Hundreds now? Is that humanly possible? I guess it is if you lay around and eat all day. Fat will just start piling on and you won’t notice it. But who cares right? Getting off the couch is a chore now isn't it? Keep shoveling chocolates and cakes into your mouth and wash it down with milk. Unzip your tightening jeans to make more room. Let your belly spill out onto your lap. I know it's getting harder to stay on your feet for a long time. All that weight bearing down on your joints is keeping you inactive and its making you fatter. Just ignore it and finish up that tray of pasta. You’re still hungry? Order more pizza! Once you finish that you may as well make a large bowl of ice cream. How many calories have you consumed? Eight thousand? You better double that tomorrow. Once you stretch your stomach out it will want more and more until you find yourself eating continuously every day. Your body will grow heavier and heavier but you will hardly notice it after you let yourself go. Soon you will find ways to eat more calories, almost making it a challenge to eat more every day. Once you grow too big to get around on your own you will need someone to help you. Someone strong enough to roll your blubbery body on its side after you’ve grown too fat to move. A good feeder who can keep up with your appetite. After you hit half a ton you will probably need a bariatric sized bed. Along with a heart monitor. Fat piggies' little heart will eventually grow weaker from so much fat building up. That's okay though, just keep eating mindlessly. Ignore those pesky problems and keep your belly full for me. After you have gotten so ridiculously enormous you may need to just lay on the floor if it will hold up your lard laden body. No matter, its not your problem anymore just keep swallowing gainer shakes and ignore your rising blood pressure, failing heart, and overpacked insides. Just be an obese, useless, pile of blubber until your feeders grow tired of taking care of you and decide to end you. Who knows? Maybe you want to be filled to the brim until you burst. Your skin, stomach, and guts stretched to the max. True piggies never stop eating. They don’t stop when they can’t move so you shouldn’t either. So eat up!


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