Humiliated (Patreon)
Aww poor can't get up anymore. Too bad. I didn't want you to. While you spent the last two years being a complete hog you hardly noticed your body bloating up past 800 pounds. Maybe you did but just didn't care anymore. I make you feel good, right? Adoring your corpulent body every day. Spoiling you rotten with endless snacks and sugary drinks. A nice recipe for obesity. A constantly full tummy, warm blankets and a luxuriously comfortable bed. Who would want to leave that anyway?
Soon I'll have you eating from a large funnel hanging above your bed. A slow thick slop adding more flesh to you, anchoring you into the bed for good. You'll be so swollen with lard you won't be able to struggle when I take over and power feed you. Your belly will fill up and stretch until it sits past your fat buried kneecaps. I'll mock you for letting yourself get so goddamn fat but you'll probably like it anyway.
You'll grow weaker the bigger you get and I'll finally have complete control over you. Rubbing and pinching, measuring and weighing you every day. Using your body in disgusting ways. Watching you humiliate yourself when you attempt to even roll over. Seeing you wheeze and gasp with every slight effort of movement after you swell up to half a ton. Millions of calories piled into you, creating a disgusting mass of a once respectable human being. People will judge you for doing this to yourself. "You could have said no...." They'll say. "How could you possibly let yourself get this big?" "You need to see a doctor, you are out of control." Taunting, degrading, teasing you. But you will just consume more thinking of how you could push yourself to grow so fucking huge that you won't be recognizable. A slave to a heart monitor and other medical aids just to keep you alive for me. A funnel of calorie filled sludge to help you fill out even further. A humiliating mound of sinful gluttony in human form. A never ending flow of fat straight into your mouth. Now eat for me.