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Take a good look at yourself hog, what do you see? Have you noticed your double chin sinking further down towards your tits? Your sloppy, hanging, saggy tits? Your permanently red bloated cheeks from high blood pressure? Did you notice that while you were guzzling down gallons of milk and shoveling cake and donuts into your black hole mouth? You probably didn't. Keeping your big mouth busy chewing all day instead of exercising will do that. You occupy your time with stuffing yourself until you hurt then napping the pain away. You wonder how your body swelled up so big? That's how. Laziness and gluttony. Two deadly sins. A good combination for a massive heart attack.

 Did you notice you were nearing a quarter of a ton??? How could you not? Having to stuff your heavy sagging belly into your pants when you go out in public is embarrassing isn't it? Pretty soon you won't be able to hide your corpulence anymore. You are literally out of shape. Your skin is lumpy from the cellulite and lard building up. Large globs of fat rolling over your limbs weighing you down more and more every day. Every step you take your body billows and wobbles as your pendulum gut sways back and forth slapping your thighs. Your arms jutting out a bit from your body being encased in fat. Your appetite spiraled out of control after you tipped the scales at 340 pounds. You just gave up and began your new life as a full time hog. Your internet friends encouraging you to eat yourself bigger and bigger. You are fattening yourself towards a massive heart attack but you can't even slow down. You've stretched your stomach out so much it's almost impossible to be full anymore. 

Poor piggy. Now your life revolves around eating. You don't eat to live anymore. You live to eat. When your health begins to decline do you think you will be able to put the fork down? When you wheeze from simply sitting up in bed? When your heart pounds from struggling to pump blood to all your fat filled limbs? Or will you just fatten yourself even faster to quicken the process. Being severely obese is a full time job. Eating, expanding, growing so heavy you can't care for yourself properly. I'm sure a fellow fat fetishist will come aid you on your journey to becoming so damn fat you can't move. You'll be so out of shape your body will resemble a sloppy pile of blubber. You'll be useless to society except for all the people cheering you on to set the record for fattest person alive. That makes for a very easy sedentary life. So keep fattening yourself up, sweet piglet 💋


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