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Wouldn't you love to be two, three, four times your current size? Your belly constantly stuffed and hanging towards your knees...

Your bulbous ass jutting out a couple feet behind you making it difficult to get through doorways.

All while you can't find the self control to put the fork down. Your bank account constantly running dry from all the takeout and snacks. But you just can't stop consuming.

You just want to be oh so soft and heavy.

With plump tits sitting atop an incredibly hefty stomach slowly sagging downwards.

You crave such a delightful life.

Cooking, tasting, swelling...

You need to feel your thighs jiggle and rub when you walk.

You need to be bigger. So do it.

Outgrowing your clothes is the next step.

Eat until they're too tight to be worn in public.

Then upgrade to the next size up. Make it two since I know you will not be able to slow down or even stop.

Take up space.

Keep making lavish meals and super size your portions. Keep stretching your stomach until it's impossible to be full.

Let yourself grow. Live a piggish life and eat whatever you want. Never deny yourself.

Listen to me and keep piling on the pounds.

Nothing else matters anyways, just keep eating.

Dedicate the rest of your life to food.


Feast until you can't swallow another bite, digest, then repeat.

You'll love how your body changes and turns every extra calorie into excess fat.

Your arms will be too heavy to lift.

Your fingers and toes will resemble sausages.

The lack of exercise will leave you shapeless and weak.

The vicious cycle of gorging and sleeping will help you expand leaving you stuck permanently in bed.

Your weight crushed lungs will need assistance so an oxygen tank will be needed after you've eaten yourself so big.

But you need this. You will always need more.

Even with declining health and a doomed future, you will only live to eat.

Until you've eaten...just too much. 💋


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