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I hope you are all having a great week with the added excitement of Adepticon, the new model reveals, and hopefully a great time on the brush. As you may have noticed there is no tutorial this week due to my needing to spend time with family as I honour the passing of my Grandmother Bak Fong Jung 曾碧芳 ❤️. A loving connection to my Chinese heritage has inspired me to look into my past and also explore her life through photographs and stories. It is a blessing to have had her for so long in my life and may she rest in peace.

As for painting news, I have not 1 but 2 winners of our Chinese New Year's painting competition! Both Adrian (that_newold_schoolkid) & Bryan (bry_li) submitted fantastic pieces of A Dragon and the Lady by Beyond Miniatures, and The Monkey King by Limbo Miniatures. I was thoroughly impressed by both paintings' use of colour and illustration of volume. As well as both of their progression as painters to push their skills. I plan to host more painting competitions shortly and encourage more of you to participate! These two will both receive my favourite collection of Red paints that I hope will find a good home in their palettes!

Coming up next week tutorial-wise, we loop back to the Troggoth Troll as we tackle his head with a unique wooden root texture for his horns. I have to admit that I've taken on quite a lot of projects at once and I hope you are all not discouraged by the alternating pace of each piece. That's all for now and I hope you all have a wonderful closing to this week and happy painting.



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