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Hey everyone, with the start of the new month I thought it would be wise to give all you Patreons an update on what's to come this month. First, we have the upcoming Part 3 of the Skaventide Greyseer tutorial just around the corner. This tutorial will feature a brand new painting topic for the Patreon, painting a matt background of the underhive. As well as steps I've taken to modify the current painting of the Greyseer himself to harmonize with the background and atmosphere. It's been an enjoyable process and I know there will be more display backgrounds and scenic additions to pieces in the future.

This month also have a couple of key dates that I will be away from my painting desk. I'll be running the Toronto Marathon, following my 2-day Painting Workshop alongside the second annual Emerald Brush Painting Competition held in Nanaimo BC.

Toronto Marathon - October 18th till 22nd
Painting Workshop - October 25th till 28th

That's all for now folks. It's back to the editing booth to finalize
