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To top off the Dragons crown, we get right into the techniques and colours used in this Gold NMM tutorial. This style and method lends itself to a great finish that isn't as blending laborious but still includes a lot of interest and illustrates its reflective properties well. Most of the NMM Gold in this Tomb Kings army will be made this way. If there is more interest or rather I'm feeling a little change-up is in order, I may explore another method or two depending :)


How to Paint: Dragon Skull Tomb Kings pt.2

This tutorial covers how to paint the Dragons Skull NMM gold crown crest. Paint List: Gobi Brown(s75), British Khaki(AK), Volcanic Yellow(AK), Pastel Yellow(AK), Khalahara Orange(s75), Mourfang Brown(GW), Turquise(s75artist), Black & White(Dealers Choice). Chapters: 0:17 Introduction 5:55 Base Lights 17:39 Moving Warmer 25:45 From Base to Highlights 33:24 Altering Temperature 40:02 Max Highlights 47:24 Verdigris


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