Puggy's January Break (Patreon)
- In short: New year, new expectations, and new back pains, Im taking a "time off" for January until February 7th, that means those on the 15$, 30$ and 90$ usd tiers won't have a reward for this month and will be offered a refund, you know, our usual for this kind of moments.
- 🐀 Guil will keep his work normally, only I will be doing this.
Now, for more details:
🥳 The period will go until that time of february cuz on the 6th is my b-day, and I wanna' treat myself to it, as part of trying to stick to holidays and such, as other jobs would allow me to do.
🏖️ By "mostly", what I mean is that I don't expect to use my time full on leisure, but try to study some things I've been skipping on for a while, and still want to do some work and posts when I can, if I feel like it, but I won't force it, this is supposed to be a rest of sorts, after all.
🏋️ I also have some personal projects I'd like to work/think on, as well as professional ones, so I hope I can give those some attention in this time, wich includes, but isn't limited to: excercise with quality and consistency, have a more concrete roadmap for patreon projects, and find a better way to balance patron rewards, time, money and work-wise, and maybe open up an alternate route outside of patreon.
🫠 And ofc, I expect to give myself a break too, I sincerely am so used to be always with my mind on work/chores that doing anything for myself feels strange, and that can't be healthy...
This would be it in announcements for now, y'all, and hecc, I wanted to give my big, sweaty and nervous thanks to the amazing support and understanding in this past year, been able to accomplish so much and I hope I can keep on track in 2023, all thanks to y'all. 😩👌