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Hey hey Patrons!

We're back with the pen-ultimate episode of Fallout and whoo boy are we READY TO KNOW WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN VAULT 31! Come on Norm!

Some extra creepy and nefarious stuff is happening! Stef's in on too!

Also, a really chilling send up to Angel Eye's first scene in The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly with Uncle Baby Ghoulie and randomly Erik Estrada!

And we get some really cool spy sorta stuff with Cooper in flashbacks!

Turns out Vault 4 isn't all that bad and we need to not judge books by their one-eyed or finger-mouthed cover!

And a scene that Sean finds hilarious and Morgan is horrified by, Maximus nearly pulls a Monthy Python and the Holy Grail and comes close to slaughtering everyone even though they're chill!

And Thaddeus is now a ghoul, not that he's got an errow through is friggin' neck!

Also, the chicken fucker is back!

Follow this exclusive link to hang!


Got some more dope stuff dropping rill rill soon!


The Watchers in the Bar



Da Big Appa

You got some more dope stuff dropping right the fuck out?

Rime Pendragon

Loved the gulper discussion :-)

Da Big Appa

For the gulper discussion the fix is a salmon shoot.

Travis Lee

Fingers and feet


Great reaction, i can't wait for the finale!