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Start of week: 18,612

End of week: 21,918

Change: +3306

Year to date: 177,743

Not much to report this week: a steady trickle of words against the backdrop of a busy work week, as I wrestle the current scene into submission. It's taking a couple of rewrites to get through Julia's revenge scene, to get the pacing and dialogue right, and I suspect it'll need some serious trimming before release, all of which diminishes the reported word count. However, it feels as though the scene's almost there.

Otherwise, there was a very kind review posted to FM this week, and I woke up this morning to a small flurry of new or returning subscribers, all of which is a wonderful confidence boost; thank you.

I also received, yesterday, an odd email from "Haven Sharestory," based out of Singapore, offering digital distribution of my writing. No idea if it's legit or not, but considering Constant isn't even finished yet (with an estimated 60-80k words to go, without counting the final editorial pass), it's a bit of a moot point...

Week ahead:

Monday: Chapter 5-1 ("Chiaroscuro") released to all members.

Wednesday: Chapter 5-2 ("Julia's Story") released to Constant members and above.

Thursday: no art this week, I'm afraid - it's moving to a fortnightly release as my supply dwindles!

Friday: weekly update.


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