Merry Christmas! (Patreon)
Merry Christmas, everyone. It's a funny season, Christmas - joyous for some, and difficult for others - a week (or weeks) filled with expectations, stress, celebration and resentment. Whatever your festive reality is, I hope it proves a good one with, at a minimum, some respite from work or the stresses of daily life, even if only for a day or two.
I'm lucky enough to be spending some time with family which brings its own mix of all of the above, but I'd be a fool to consider myself anything other than blessed to have some time to relax, recover and celebrate in the company of loved ones. I have fairly vivid memories of the years that weren't like this, the years where I worked through Christmas Eve and Christmas Day or New Years Day, and there's nothing like the joy of others to bring simmering resentment to the boil.
Welcome to those who've recently joined - I hope you enjoy what we're making here. I'm very much looking forward to picking up Chapter 6 in the New Year. There's some key plot points I've been sitting on for over a decade I can't wait to finally put to paper, as well as returning to the main narrative flow of the series: first person David thrust into a life he doesn't want to live.
There's a confrontation with Julia brewing, the return to work, getting to know his female colleagues; Dan; an office party and an encounter with the Office Director; exploring the near-future dating scene as Cindy; the possible return of Jeff--is he real?--and another figure of David's past; and the beginning of his quest for revenge. And more - there's a lot to squeeze into the final five chapters!
Interlude 2/3 has been sent of to FM and is waiting publication, and has already been published to Big Closet. I'm unlikely to get any writing time for a couple of days, so see you after the 27th! I'm off to play a couple of board games and knock back a few drinks.
Once again, Merry Christmas!