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Start of week: 15,096

End of week: 19,317

Change: +4221

Not too bad a week for writing, accounting for real-world interruptions.  A 12-hour work day this week didn't help, as well as a noticeable bump in other workload, but still managed to carve out some time every day.  Was hoping to hit 5000 for the week, and the writing this morning was going phenominally well - a thousand words in just over an hour - then an emergency struck and well, that was that.  Time allowing, I might try and get back to it tonight but wouldn't put money on it.

Most importantly, broke fresh ground on Constant in All Other Things, Chapter 6.  Opening line?  "If I’m being brutally honest, the funeral of David Saunders was pretty fucking pathetic."  We'll see if it survives!

Meanwhile, Silk and Shadows has grown somewhat, and I'm still really enjoying it.  Learned more than I ever expected about corsetry with a bit of reading and online research.  I expect I'll be publishing the third chapter of that series in the next few days, or early next week: I just need to get Aubriella into her "punishment" and that'll be the chapter.  Chapter four will be a flashback segment over what happened to get her there, and the transformation and trraining that followed.

Have a good weekend, everyone!


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