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You know, there's something genuinely amazing about modern technology. I'm typing this out on my phone at 10,000 feet (or so) using the free WiFi on the plane winging me home to family. Yes, WiFi on planes is hardly bleeding edge tech, but somehow it's the first time I've ever tapped into it. And it's free? Amazing.

Watched a few movies en route: Barbie, and Across the Spiderverse, both excellent films and not so disimilar as may seen: protagonists out of their comfort zone, intruding into worlds where they don't feel they belong, discovering their true selves, their potential; and both wonderfully visual (though Spiderverse wins it for sheer bonkers visual creativity). I'd highly recommend both.

Tried a little writing on the way but didn't get anywhere - kept feeling as though people were looking over my shoulder.

Considered however following up on the idea of trying my hand at a couple of one-offs, actual short stories at the 5,000 to 10,000 word length. Jotted down some ideas: one, high-school/college-age house-party themed; another more 20/30s corporate rivalry. Also thought I might try myself at some G-rated romance and see if I can write some clean that tugs at the heart-strings. Dunno; working through ideas here.

Anyone got a short, pithy idea they might enjoy seeing sketched out into a short piece of fiction?



I'm happy to hear you're going to give the short story idea another go. Looking forward to reading them. Not seen Barbie yet, or Across The Spiderverse for that matter but in the 'alternate reality' genre I really loved the Loki series. Two seasons and done was a pleasant change from the 'just one more season' milking that seems the norm now. As for idea's I feel like I've already had my turn with what you expanded Silk and Shadows into, so I'll leave that treat up to another Patreon this time.


As they say: travel broadens the mind. Funny because that movie description fits also to "Dune".

Fakeminsk TG Fiction: Constant in All Other Things

I had mixed feeling about Loki. I really enjoyed the first series, and thought the final episode of the second series was pretty good; but found "He Who Remains" increasingly annoying and--I think this was a mistake with the second series--I missed Loki being, well, Loki. There was no hint of the scoundrel or the trickster in the second series. He was straight up a hero, and I missed the raffish anti-hero of the first series and earlier films.