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It's finally here. The first chapter of Season 3 is live!

Remember you need a savegame during or after the DnD game to continue your playthrough.

If you haven't played v.0.20 and have a save from 0.13-0.19, you can download v.0.20 👉 here 👈

If you are looking for Season 1 downloads, you can find them on my Discord. You can access Discord through the game's main menu, on the lower-left corner.

Reminder: This release (as every one before it) is Patreon ToU compliant!




Thank you Trop ✌️

Guy Endsley

I can't download it because there a virus on files Mega and GoFile.

Christopher Rogers

How do I play this it's not on porngameshub.com yet

Tropecita Games

I'm not affiliated to porngameshub, they publish it when it's released for the public here. You can download the game: Season 1: If you need the links, send me a DM, please Season 2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/v-0-20-release-111272637 And 0.21, the firs installment of Season 3 on this post And install it on your PC, Mac, or Android. If you played Season 1 on porngameshub, you can download Season 2 and answer a smal questionnaire, and continue from there.

Christopher Rogers

How do I play the new part it's not on porngameshub.com yet

Ivan Escuder

Descargando ya mismo, gracias😃😃😃


You say that Season 1 is available on Discord. If you mean the Version 0.11B.2 release, it is no longer available. If you mean something else, where is it?


Thank you. I don't want to miss the earlier parts of the story


Hi Tropecita Games I can not find Season 1 (V.0.12) on discord? Can you send me the links as well? Thank You