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Saira is also there in the kitchen. It's first time in the morning and some of the girls come for their first coffee cup.

There can be some interesting conversations in that kitchen in the morning.

Too bad the MC is usually busy or sleeping. Not this time.




I’ve actually been debating to add her in my small harem to be honest. It consist of Erika, Martha, Emma, Elieen ( don’t remember how to spell it lol), and Alexia. If anyone romances her is it worth it?

Tropecita Games

To me, she has one of the hottest scenes in the game, but she only has one lewd since she arrived home, so it's up to you. The future dynamics with Eileen (and potentially Alexia) are promising.


I’m sold with you telling me about those dynamics lol. The wheels are turning in my head now, I am seeing a potential foursome now. Please don’t let me down now Trop lol.

Kelly Morgan

when will the next up date be out

Tropecita Games

This time, there will be a very subtle reference to X-mas in the game, but nothing like last year, since I couldn't shoehorn another party.