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Yes, I'm one of the biggest morons in the world. Fixing an inconsistent scene, I created a bug for the players who didn't pick up the MC's father's call.

Maybe that's the path to greatness, I look like that company that starts with Micro and ends with Soft.

I also took the opportunity to fix something a player informed me of last night. For those of you who renamed Daphne, Emma, or Erika, their nicks (Daph, Eri, and Emm) were still used by other characters instead of their new names (there wasn't a chance to change the nicknames).

So the new files v.0.22 are uploaded and you can find them in the download post here.

Sorry about the inconvenience.



Well, sh*t happens - at least you figured it out and fixed it already ;-)


Hey Trop don’t know if you read my message last night but there seems to be another bug with Erika. On my playthrough she is pregnant but it always says it’s in the red.

Ivan Escuder

No te comas la cabeza por cosas asi, jode pero es normal con tantas opciones y caminos en el juego.

Tropecita Games

El problema esta vez fue un error tipográfico culpa de mi teclado (a veces tiene rebotes y escribe una letra doble). por suerte, fue fácil de resolver. Costó más compilarlo de nuevo y volverlo a subir que solucionarlo.


Hey Trop, as long you are not Ubi and soft, there is no problem!


Uh OH!! Ok.. So much for "Blond Moments"!!! That has to be Cenile Distraction!! Unless you wanna admit you are a closeted blond??? Snicker Snicker HA HA! At least you are quick to admit an oops and just as quick to fix it!! Oh... And I must remember to pickup poppa's call! All Hail Trope!!!!