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Continuing with the art-themed renders, this time I bring you Amanda as the wise protector warrior Athenea.

Loosely based on this statue at Athens. Don't ask what happened to the helmet.

You should think I'm a troll right now. With how many nude greek statues showing in museums, why did I choose one where she's fully clothed?

Because the specials usually consist of two clothed images and three nudes.

We had Kate clothed, and Megan and Eileen without clothing. So, if I wanted the last girl in the Special Series to be unclothed, I needed to show Amanda with some outfit.

Don't ask who is the last girl.

4K render to sweeten your eyes



Ivan Escuder

Preciosa y heroica. Genial

Magoo Doug

The helmet would have messed up her hair. Love the picture.


Agreed. While Amanda is not in my harem, she looks awesome in the pic.

Jeremy Eggerman

I don't follow directions well so who is the last girl? 😁


Wow! Classy and powerful too boot!!! Amanda! Reminds me of the songs... Just need a warrior march tune now!