v.0.4 Update Status (Patreon)
Here is the status of the next update. It is going at a good pace, but it is not without "problems".
As some of you know, I have been away for 17 days on a work trip. Although the planning of the publication of the update had taken this trip into account, I am slightly behind schedule, as during these days away I have rewritten parts of the script and, at the end of the trip, I had a script, in Spanish, twice the length of my usual updates.
I think this rewrite will help to get to know the girls and flesh out them a little more.
This rewrite has had the effect that more renders will be needed than I had planned, and rendering is the bottleneck right now, with some renders taking up to 4 hours to finish, as I have improved the quality settings.
I'm considering, if I'm not able to finish the whole update by the time it's time to publish it, to split it into two parts (v.0.4 and v.0.4.5, each of the usual length) since around the word 10,000 in Spanish I have a good cut-off point. The first one would be published on the usual dates (end of the month, beginning of the next one), and the second one whenever it's ready, I can't say a concrete date.
The good part is that, while the computer is rendering, I can translate and look for the right music and sounds for this update, so v.0.4.5 should not take too long.
If I were to do it in the end, v.0.4 would be the usual size dialogue-wise and longer than the usual update in terms of renders with around 600, but it would not finish with the MC in his bed at the end of the day. That would happen in v.0.4.5.
I won't say if he ends up alone in bed or not.