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So, my G3 55" is finally arrived and after a full day of tweaking and testing I must say I am very impressed so far:

Anything I'm throwing at it just looks and moves perfectly after all was configured to my likings.
After 8 hours straight of bright HDR + 1 manual Pixel Refresh, uniformity looks great as well:

Probably it's the cleanest LG OLED I've ever had and tried with the very minor exception of a slight pink area on one side when using darkest gray patterns, which luckily is not noticeable at all when watching regular contents.
Even the slight "green tint" on the very low-end black/gray is basically invisible when watching real movies or playing games, so I feel really lucky with this unit at least.

  • SDR Filmmaker Mode is much brighter even with Peak Brightness: Off to the point it now blends with dignity even with HDR/DV handshakes. It's one of the first and most impressive things I noticed;
  • ABL is so relaxed now that it has become unnoticeable even with full white transitions, providing a consistently bright (and good) image basically all the time;
  • HDR highlights of 2.000+ nits contents are blinding in a dark room, even with DTM: Off and very pleasant even when the room is bright;
  • Colors are much punchier and Contrast is much higher, both providing a "3D Effect" and "Real-Life" to the image never experience on any TV before so far;
  • Gaming with properly setup SDR/HDR Filmmaker Modes + ALLM: On has the same input lag of Game Optimizer presets and is the way to go. The new "Dynamic Color Boosting" is just too good to lose in Game presets and HGIG accuracy in highlights can be preserved almost identically when setting Peak HDR Luminance in both console system-level calibration and in-game HDR settings to 4.000 nits instead of 1.500, with the added benefit of better tone mapping also for those games with no Peak HDR Luminance control at all;
  • Warm 50 color temp is much better this year, less warm and even more accurate than previous years' models
  • Accuracy and processing all-around OOTB (+ minor adjustments to the presets) are superb

Overall, I personally felt the quality and performance jump with G3 in a similar way of the jump I felt when buying my first OLED compared to the previous LCD/LEDs I had at the time, which literally speaks for itself.

Now let me do some additional testing and I'll put up my new Overall Optimized Settings chart, notes and video guide for LG 2023 OLED series soon as well.

Stay tuned :)


Mitch Cook

I know it’s getting trashed but Redfall settings soon?


I will be busy with 2023 settings for a couple of days, but I'll try to have a look at Redfall's HDR as well.

Mitch Cook

Thank you! Hoping to get a C3 or G3 soon but unsure which to opt for.


G3 (with MLA) is the generational jump, C3 is more of the same with just processing improvements. You can pick the G3 for a lower price later this year or around the 2024 line-up launch or see if C4 will get MLA as well with a lower price.

Mitch Cook

I’ve got a CX at the moment, do you think C3 is a significant enough improvement or shall I just go the whole hog & go for the G3?


Like I said before, go for G3 or C4 (if it will have MLA as well next year) for a real generational jump. You can easily skip the C3 from CX.


do you think gaming is still acceptable if i use HGIG over filmmaker mode?


After another day of testing, I think I've finally found the best settings for G3 and 2023 Series overall, also further improving the gaming experience compared to the muted stock Game Mode + HGIG. (I also changed my mind over DTM) I'll record the video guide today and post everything soon... :)