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The spooky season is upon us, and what's more spooky than Cursed! When we last left the girls they were in a spot of trouble, and it seems the fallout has put them on the outs once more.

If you want to get fully caught up, you can watch the entire series from the start here.

As always huge thank you to Oolay-Tiger (Eimear), Gina Galore  (Havana), Mimi Hung (Pinnet) and Leo Greystone  (Tony/Anthony) for their phenomenal work bringing these characters to life.

Our main reward for the month may be done, but stay tuned, as the second one will drop shortly, and with it an exciting announcement for what we've got planned for next month!


Cursed Episode 8

Cursed Episode 8


The Joker


Carlos Gaines

Bravo 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


I'm curious what they did to vent out their extra size back in town

*** ***

Can't wait for the next

Bigger is better

That was a 10 out of 10 episode. Like always. I can't wait for the next one! I would like to say that it was interesting for them both to feel the fucking and that giant building fucking *chief kiss* I'm all about giantess stuff so to see it in your style


Great episode and nice little cliffhanger. Was hoping they go bigger still as I think we mostly do. Wonder if Luca will now show up in Trish's side game, episode, chapter? I'm waiting for the return of the scorress/witch however she was yeeted far.




I'm curious if Havana is still trying to find a way to become a man again or is happy to be living a new life as a woman


Right now she's in full 'succubus' mode, but that's not to say we won't explore that quest later on.


Turned out that Havana couldn't absorb energy from the buildings she went at, so just kind of burnt it away that way. Eimear on the other hand had a massive battle with the town guard, expelling her energy in spheres of pure kinetic energy propelled from her hands. Many died but few suffered. The fallen hero Fenrick fought his fellow men tirelessly as her thrall, until seeing his first true love, which snapped him out of the spell, leading him to abandon the Temptress Eimear, and regaining his mind. When all hope seemed lost, he lead the charge against Eimear the Destroyer, turning the tide and saving the town from her witchcraft once and for all. His heroinism will be renown far and wide for years to come. Eventually the brave citizens of banded together to banish the terrible duo, forever saving Glenshire from their curse. Or at least that's how Fenrick's official report went.


We've already got the script and VOs done so its in the schedule 😉


The Luca piece was specifically removed from this board to enable her to return in the next Pill game. I actually debated whether the 'end character surprise' should be Ixnora, but decided there was more fun to be had with an unwise hero instead. She's likely to pop up in a future episode.


The old 'giantess fucks a building' never gets old. 😉 Glad you enjoyed it!


Nice, can’t wait to see it. I was also quite surprised that she didn’t turn those two guys into hot chicks with dicks. Would’ve been a much better improvement but maybe that’ll be the next sequence we see


This episode was good, but I'd always love to see more giantess content!

Brittani Billows

K so your makeing number 9 like yesterday right? Cus that was beyond too short 😂 epic but shortskie


That's so good!

Honeymoo Comics

Been following your content for a while on deviantart. Figured it was about time to show my support here as well. Absolutely breathtaking what you do and can only hope to hit that level one day myself.


These are never long enough always ends when things start getting interesting... Please don't make us wait for the next installment...


It was actually one of our longer Cursed'd, though with the number of characters the time does pass quickly. And yes, we got eps 8 and 9 voiced at the same time, so what happens next is very much already in progress.


I'd love to do more in a month, but that's just about where I max out. If I could rope in a team to make a 20 min ep per month I'd be there in a heartbeat... but most people with the skill and inclination at our level want to do their own thing, and I can't blame them. The next instalment is already written and voiced, it'll come early next year.


That's so long from now. Please take what I say with a grain of salt, I'm one of those people who like stories to the point I OCD has to know what happens next...


Now I’d like to see a comic illustrating these excellent escapades!

Jeb Johnston

Honestly, I loved that she finally used her power intentionally. That made it cooler than anything else

The Kentuckian (edited)

Comment edits

2024-11-16 21:24:42 I know it's not the point, but there's some decent humor in these. I chuckled at the "Thony is short for Anthony." bit
2024-11-07 01:25:05 I know it's not the point, but there's some decent humor in these. I chuckled at the "Thony is short for Anthony." bit

I know it's not the point, but there's some decent humor in these. I chuckled at the "Thony is short for Anthony." bit

Lady Grove

Its a little bit the point 😉 I love that you laughed at that, so silly but I think really showed Havana and Eimear's relationship.

Anthony Hughes

Loving your work so far been here a few months and loved every post

Jeb Johnston

Yeah, the only other time that she actively tried to use it was when she tried to do a somewhat successful resurrection. Every other time has been more instinct or the witch

Deandre Day

after that flashback it makes me wonder where Luca is going to end up next in another dimension maybe a futuristic one or maybe she might find her way back home or inside the body of a machine just like the mysterious voice offered in the mistake.