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Mr. Juggs

Do you think you could make your posts available as Zip folder files, please?

Mr. Juggs

It's just really difficult to download one image at a time. And, sadly (and speaking from experience), pics will end up elsewhere online even if you force people to download individually. I respect your choice, of course, but it does impact people's willingness to sign up and STAY subscribed if they have to do everything one at a time, methinks.

Mr. Juggs

PLEASE tell me who this goddess is! This might be the greatest photoset you've ever created simply because she is SUBLIMELY gorgeous to begin with. But you put those bolted-on, ridiculously-oversized knockers on her and holy crap!! She is on another level, with all due respect to Margot Robbie! I might need to request her in a photoset - the way she appears here but as a futa.

Mr. Juggs

Sorry: I don't mean to upset you or make you sad. I just know that piracy is a thing, no matter what preventative measures we take. It happens, unfortunately. I just wish there was a way to make the picture sets easier to download to make things simpler for the paying Patrons like me. That's all. I don't mean to offend or upset.