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I just wanna say I'm absolutely blown backwards that 69 (nice) of you have chosen to subscribe to this Patreon for no reason besides to support me a little bit - when I'm not even offering any perks at this moment in time??? You DID read the tier description, right? That's nuts to me, I didn't expect a single person to do that.

Now, I really don't want to put any finished BG3 art behind a paywall, but I DO have a lot of WIPs and doodles floating about in my harddrive, some that I still plan on finishing and some I might never do. Because I want to offer the folks who did choose to support me a little something as thanks, I will begin to post those to the donating patrons.  

I wanna reiterate that I will continue to put my finished pieces up for free - but I think it's only fair to offer some behind-the-curtain peeks to everyone who has been kind enough to support me monetarily. Whatever WIPs I do finish will continue to go up either on my tumblr or here! But the donation tier will now get a little look into things as they are being worked on - I will do that later tonight when I have a little down-time.

Thank you so so much to everyone, whether  you've interacted, shared, dropped a kind word or chose to donate, every bit of support is appreciated, and I wish you all a lovely day.



That sounds like a good idea! A lot of patreons I subscribe to post WIPs and process videos to their paying supporters and then finished projects like... a day early or something. I just simply think that paying for art is the right thing to do if I have the means to do so. Keep up the awesome work!

Fern with Googley Eyes

I'll echo what Nerkie said, that paying for art is the right thing to do. Like you genuinely interact with your audience a shit ton, which traditionally is what I see kept behind a patreon. I don't mean to suggest that as artist's time isn't valuable or that they shouldn't leverage something people want to get a living. But rather that the *process* of making art is something incredibly valuable for people to see and a lot of people get a lot out of you being so open & bloody encouraging about it. That's a big part of why I signed up. I very much want to live in a world where that model gets supported and rewarded. I only got into horror comics in any way because a friend lent me JtHM out of the kindness of her heart. The reality is, challenging forms of media I don't think compete well in the current market where it has to be immediately interesting/ valuable. I don't like that, because as someone who is a minority, my experience is often not considered "profitable" as a target market. I really hope we can move forward and figure out a better way to support artists so we can have a chance at more stuff like this existing. Because at the end of the day, DU Drow isn't my rep. (I am not sure whose he is, tbh.) But you approach him and Astarion very honestly and lean into that. Their experiences are lovely and absurd and curious and rare and whatever that combination is, it appeals a lot to my little trans gay ace heart. I love seeing people figuring out their stuff. From Astarion's little broken brain face from Drow ontop to murder babies to just the beautiful man doing that pose with the sword. That shit- people not having a perfect narrative- makes me have a lovely day, and I thank you for that.


Aw dude, thank you so much. While I do understand that artists gotta make a living, I never liked putting a bunch of stuff behind a paywall - especially not resources and interaction. BG3 stuff is very much outside my usual scope in genre and art - I was just doing it for fun, and while commissions and comics *are* my job, I never want art to stop also being a hobby I do to just enjoy myself. So like you said, the fact that people chose to support me just because was really nice, I mirror a lot of your perspective about art and it's "market" here and it's just reassuring to see people take that initiative, even when there's no pressure to do so. Gives me a lot of hope for the future!


Dude the moment I laid eyes on your art I was SMITTEN. Happy to throw a bit of money your way just for the sheet fact that you've inspired the hell out of me. Sketches are a fantastic treat imo. Keep on keeping on!