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Fern with Googley Eyes

*Sigh* Alright, show of hands: Who also read the e-mail, knew it was going to be a spicy pic, and then was immediately shocked it was Drow not Astarion? They both have teeth. I know Drow has hygiene issues, but HE STILL HAS TEETH.


To add to your point, I feel like Astarion has enough experience in this department that you wouldn't even know he *has* teeth. DU drow, on the other hand, probably has never cared that you could feel them

Fern with Googley Eyes

I'm thinking about the timeline for DU Drow now, and I realize I made the interesting HC that he just....single-mindedly went after Orin to the exclusion of anyone else pre-tadpole. And you know what, the concept of a cruising Bhaalspawn is (still) hilarious. Like of course he never got better! He probably ate/ murdered his hook-ups.


the puffy shirt stays On for head this is non negotiable