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The concept of illustrating the shadow-cursed lands is pretty intimidating, but I've had this little image in my head for a while now. I just think they hung out at Ketheric's a few times in weird, evil versions of baddie vacations 🤷




ooooo i love the composition and posing. so nice.


I love it! Also, I was wondering… did you ever draw Raphael? I would love to see him with your drawing style!!


Love their hips and thighs - you capture human bodies so well!


So hyped to see how you do the shadow curse lands!


her poses are always hilarious to me, well done! orin is basically just a big slender cat

Fern with Googley Eyes

Ohhhh, I really appreciate the banality of evil here centering both of them. It's a great reminder that it so easily could have been Orin in our party- that DU Drow's shot a redemption was forced on him just as much as the circumstances of his birth. I do think there's also, inversely, a touch of romanticism about this on his end. Orin vibes as some feral cat murder lady being giving treats. Where as Drow is looking out over the thing that they will be bringing the world, relaxed and extended out to someone. I really get the vibe that if things had gone a little differently, maybe Orin would have been OK with being platonic murder roommates. But here we are- her reaching across her body in a more closed off way, Drow extending out. It's reminds me of cat videos where someone notes an early sign of displeasure and then a few minutes later the claws come out. No wonder Drow had a little luck with Astarion. He'd already tried to pssspt pssspt psspt a cat before.