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House Divided


FAM4 4



True, politicians never look great on this show, but we can dream about what history would be like if Al Gore got elected in 2000... If this show makes it one more election cycle it will get to the first one I was eligible to and did vote in. Hardliners being once again in charge of the USSR... not actually so different from our current reality. Sure in the real timeline there was a brief period of hope that Russia would transition to a functional democracy, but then they got less authoritarian but also highly ineffective leaders like Yeltsin, giving a strongman like Putin an opportunity to take complete control. And obviously a massive difference is that if the USSR didn't dissolve, countries that are now vibrant, rich, strong democracies would not be. I'm thinking of the Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. The latter of which I've been to and is a wonderful country... have you read about the Baltic Way? Two MILLION people joined hands in the Baltic countries in 1989 to form a line protesting Soviet rule.


I watched Home Alone 2 again just the other day and only now realized Daniel Stern plays both the NASA administrator here and the dumbest criminal of all time in Home Alone.


This fling between Ed and Svetlana seems super inappropriate given Ed is probably pushing 70 at this point... but Joel Kinnaman is 45 and Masha Mashkova is 39, not an at all problematic age difference for the actors at least.


I was wondering about that, too. I couldn't figure out how old Svetlana is (as a character), but she was definitely playing much younger than Ed.