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Star-Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers


GG1 16



I’m sitting in a very Luke’s like diner eating a burger and will watch this as soon as I’m home.

Allison O

It’s amazing how quickly Emily manages to blow all her goodwill from the previous episode 🤣. And how quickly Richard regains ground.


Right? It's almost like walking into the house and trying to figure out which mood Emily is in before attempting conversation.


so many things I want to say about this episode but they’re all very spoilery… so what I WILL say is Dean was a piss poor baby this episode!!!!


Yes, you saw a boom mic.


Paris really needed Lucille's airhorn in order to get Tristan off those lockers.


It is important to celebrate 1/64th of your life!


Emily has the ears of a bat.


It is always amazing how many creepy Victorian dolls Lorelai had in her room at Emily and Richard's house.

Sarah P

I’m fascinated by the set dressing of Lorelai’s room too! It feels like something that is a bit unrealistic for her character, while also giving an excellent sense of her upbringing. It’s full of antique dolls, which is something I can’t imagine Lorelai wanting in her bedroom, but also music posters that are clearly Lorelai. It feels like the production engineered this room to show those two things, even though the actual choice of old-timey stuff doesn’t necessarily fit a room that Lorelai would have had as a teenager.

Sarah P

The whiplash from how much we like Emily and (vs.) Richard compared to the previous episode is NUTS. And I do find it believable. The complexity of this family’s dynamic makes sense when you factor in the personal hurt and estrangement, plus class issues, etc. — and that doesn’t also make their interactions hard to predict!


Did you say "Youths" like that because of Schmidt from new girl? :)

David En-Griffiths

Chase's family called their dogs Leopold and Loeb?! Like the murderers? Never noticed that reference before. How macabre. I like the episodes where we can see a bit of Lorelei reflected in her parents. Emily has a bit of similar humour and Richard is similarly impatient. Very different but not totally unconnected from her. Of course, not a great look for Dean this episode. I think even his youth is not quite enough to cover it. I think most people know by 16 that those kinds conversations carry pressure and risk.


I know, it's weird we had a Dean bad look moment. He's been great so far. I guess everyone is human. I hope they are able to recover from this.