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Veep1 4



"I've the Vice President of the United States, you stupid little fuckers!" Classic line that totally sums up her character. This is turning out to be the perfect companion show to West Wing. I can actually see John Hoynes, and maybe even Bob Russell, wanting to shout out that line but never being allowed to.


Oh my god, that was hilarious. "You just can't make up acronyms, Jonah!" " Someone has to, Mike!" LOL. This episode is the best so far, I feel. Like THIS is "Veep", as I know it! Hey, do you know why they stopped doing "Veep"? Because truth was stranger than fiction! They couldn't compete with reality! They all miss the show and wish they were still doing it! At first, just like with "30 Rock", I was watching to see JLD and Tony Hale, the way I was just interested initially in Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin mixing it up. I didn't even like the supporting casts at first! But then they all really started to pop. Especially in this show, where the acting is so great. Anyways, sooooo freakin' happy you're digging this series!!!!


Wow, I'm a little bummed that's why they decided to end it. I agree with the 30 Rock comparison. It's these characters that make the show.