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As a result of losing the predictions contest Ross (and Adam) face one of our smelliest punishments yet... Surströmming.

Watch here: https://vimeo.com/1037829116/ef47a90894


AEW Full Gear 2024 Punishment | Surströmming Challenge (World's Smelliest Fish)


Mike Watson

Hes gonna puke Hes gonna puke

William Lomica

I feel bad for Joel most of all.

Daniel Brown

the first time a the fish went in your gob everything almost came out mine, no idea how you even managed that

Ernest Wert

Jaysus fuck... Ross, you know that if you can smell something, then it means its particles are inside of you already? So if you can smell it, you can eat it! But seriously, an anaphylactic shock from fish allergy may take even days to happen, so watch out for yourself buddy. And Adam, you are a trooper, as always.

John Robert

Is there anything Adam won't do for us fans? The man is an absolute legend.


I don’t know what back alley sex dungeon you’re shooting in, but the random passersby was funny!

Steve Evans (St3vie3)

No lie, just threw up, and that was just the thought of it! Fair play, gave it your best 👏


That was worth all the $$

Nathan garrett

Never thought I'd feel bad for the leader but here I am. You nearly got it down you adam better than I'd do.

Erik Krafve

TIL I'm a pervert (I'm swedish)


Adam is the biggest babyface on the planet. Give him the title Hunter, Tony, both idk


That was fucking class 😂😂

Megan Lucas

Poor Adam!! ♥️♥️♥️


Fish Stratus is going over!

Scott Clark

Poor Ross having to open that can, hope he’s ok

Ryan Ennis

Will we ever get another Hell in a Smell? I fucking love those videos

Mike Watson

Adam is a martyr


I’m so cancelling my patreon because Ross didn’t poison himself and end up in the hospital for my pleasure. (Please note sarcasm)

John Iley

Fair play to them both for getting that far, I don't have a sense of smell so that wouldn't have bothered me, but eating it? I think I'd give that a pass!

John Knopick

What a FANTASTIC Punishment :) Ross with his thumb up in the background while Adam is losing his lunch was truly the Chefs Kiss :) Keep up the awesome work Gents!

Sean Rowan

I'm having trouble playing the video - anyobody else, or just me?

Joan Jacobsen

It is a standing joke here in Denmark, that there is a secret clause in the Peace of Roskilde from 1658, which ended one of the -innumerable- wars between us and Sweden (21 or 35, depending on how far back you're counting ... and they won that one, incidentally) which makes it illegal for Swedes to open a can of Surströmming within fifty kilometers of the Danish border if the prevailing wind is going in our direction. It's bacteriological-warfare-in-a-can, and yes ... if you're unlucky, you can find cans of the stuff that bulges, because the fermentation process -continues- within it. Swedes are, by and large, considered SLIGHTLY suspicious by the rest of the Nordic countries, and ... frankly ... you just smelled and tasted -why-, gents. (By the way, don't tell the Swedes this, it's a deep secret and they're not supposed to know, but we really do kinda like them, and they came up with some lovely, lovely food too, such as their tiny meatballs with lingonsylt and mashed potatoes and gravy to name but one example, but this particular invention of theirs is canned insanity and we genuinely think they need national, therapeutic help to get over it)


Jesus fn christ lads, maybe stick to chops, tables and kendo sticks after that one! I nearly lost my lunch just from the audio

Barry Hudson

This might be the greatest piece of cinema ever.


Well that was a disappointing wank.

Stephen Gilbert

Jesus H. Christ. Adam possibly deserves a medal (or for Ross to take his punishment the next time he ends up with one).


Noone will get this and this is a joke just for me. But Matt Kessler would be proud of you boys. 🍌

Micah Newby

I don't think that's true. Not the part where the particles are inside you if you smell it, but equating smelling and eating like that. If for no other reason then there would be far more particles (literally billions more) in a bite of anything then there would be in a whiff of same said thing. This would result in a much higher concentration, which significantly increases Ross's odds of getting sick

Micah Newby

Plus it seems like that they would take the advice of the medical professionals and research they consulted over a (maybe not even but not the point) random patron

Micah Newby

🤣🤣 Ross talking about preparing for this moment like Adam isn't the one about to go through the punishment 🤣🤣

Micah Newby

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Liam Yates

That was one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen. I am no good with someone throwing up so the entire time I was constantly pausing and lowering the volume. I think it would have been better to see Ross explode with allergies (SARCASM OBVIOUSLY! The Leader suffering is good as well)


I have added the link to the description so you should be able to click that and watch it via Vimeo instead. Hope this helps!

Ernest Wert

I get what you're saying, but this is just that - a very big smell may indicate a very big number of particles. Anyway, I hope you're right and that everyone's OK in the end :)


christ on a bike! fair play Adam!

Pedro Soto

That has to be the worst punishment video I’ve seen. I think it’s only fair for Ross to one of Adam’s punishments since Adam did this.