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Each week Jack, Ross and Maffew will nominate someone to enter the incredibly prestigious Cultaholic Hall Of Fame and our Patreon supporters have the chance to decide each week's winner.  Who should be our next inductee?

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This one was a hard call. I mean, there are a BILLION lions. But at the end of the day, Maffew having a heartfelt moment wins out. Even over the roars and claws of a BILLION lions.

Jason Wilkinson

That's 500 million lions that each Jack and Ross have to take down. Can they do it?

Pat Baer

I'm still team Pokemon. Sorry Jack.

Kristaps Porzingis

Folks, if you keep rewarding Maffew for this kind of behavior, he'll just keep doing it

Mark Dale

Jack & Ross has to win this week's Hall of Fame!

Evil Fish People

So if a billion lions are better than all Pokémon, and Ross and Jack are better than a billions lions, it must mean the lads are better than all the Pokémon?

Jared Conatser

As I said on Twitter to Jack, all it takes is for Palkia to create a black hole and the lions die. One black hole > one million, billion, or trillion lions.


The transitive property of geometry checks out. R + J > All Pokémon. Should we be afraid that they will bully a billion lions (a BILLION) into doing their light work for them? I mean, that is a lot of lions.


I would counter that with the collateral damage that would cause to the Pokémon army. The conditioning that Pokémon have endured over generations to work in one on one battles would theoretically destroy any cross type Pokémon team work. Other Pokémon, facing a black hole creating Pokémon, would fight to survive the effects and destroy Palkia before it uses black hole. Is Palkia the fastest Pokémon? Meanwhile, Lions work in Prides. And a Billion Lion Pride (BLP) could concertedly harry individual Pokémon into dangerous conditions. While many Pokémon fly or have transit abilities greater than big cats, they nearly universally rest on or near the ground. It is likely that lions, who can climb and are known for being stealthy, could surprise any corporeal Pokémon. Any incorporeal Pokémon would lack the numbers to hold the field. The Billion Lion Pride wins this battle through team work, stealth, and relentless attrition.


Yet those abilities, godlike as they sound, manifest in mundane attacks that are only focused on one opponents at a time. Lions use pack tactics, essentially fighting unfairly. There are fundamental arguments about how they would compare with wild species of terrestrial origin. But I would point out that no child has caught a single lion in a Pokéball. So by comparison, even one Lion is superior. BLP 4 Life.