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Each week Jack, Ross and Maffew will nominate someone to enter the incredibly prestigious Cultaholic Hall Of Fame and our Patreon supporters have the chance to decide each week's winner.  Who should be our next inductee?

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David Wells

Was watching the stream when she sent those chicken selects in, what a legend. Vote for Kayla!

Phil Jaffe

I can’t possibly be asked to choose between these three options. They’re All Elite!

Jacob Schwartz

I love Kayla’s Billy Big Bollocks


I want to vote for all three...

Glenn Dallas

This was probably the toughest choice ever!

Daisy Stone

Can all 3 go into the HOF this week?! But Ross thanking Kayla for a little act of kindness is 😭. You love to hear it.

Ace Trainer Liam

If Kayla wins do we get an acceptance speech?


Ross being a Billy Big Bollocks by nominating Kayla, love it!


seriously... this is the toughest choice this podcast might have ever had