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Each week Jack, Ross and Maffew will nominate someone to enter the incredibly prestigious Cultaholic Hall Of Fame and our Patreon supporters have the chance to decide each week's winner.  Who should be our next inductee?

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Conor Bennett

Simply cannot vote for Adam Cole #TeamKyle4Lyfe


BMB! She’s dynamite. BMB! She’ll win the poll. BMB! She’s a powerload. BMB! Watch her explode

David Wells

Has to be BMB surely. She is a delight!

Chris Counsell

Even though I’ve voted for Flo Rida, because let’s face it, he released some belters, has to be BMB for the win!


I've got a fresh copy of wrestlemania 2000 for maffew if his mom wins


Let's make this a landslide for BMB, she deserves it.

Damien Quinn

It's no question! BMB all the way.