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We are reviewing artists on Fiverr who are quoting us $30-$75USD per page, inked.
We have a total of 23 completed storyboarded pages for part 4.

K has been jumping back and forth between storyboards, inking, and cleanups since we've had a drop in artist activity.

Currently, we estimate anywhere between 40-60 pages for Part 4 alone.

With a median of $45 ($48 to include taxes and fees) per page × 60 pages = we're looking at around ~$3k in expenses.

Part 5 will be our most intense action packed Part yet so add another ~$3-4k

Part 6, the epilogue will be less intense so we can roughly estimate approx. ~$1.6k

PART 4 + 5 + 6: estimated expenses will be around

$8.6k USD

Making our realistic goal to complete ALL of The Requiem Project:

$10k USD

This amount also includes the amount expected for cleanups and the re-release.

Anything in excess will go to additional adjustments, licensing expenses, tech expenses, website hosting costs, social media management, and more.



Brian R.

By hiring new freelance artists who have not been involved in the project before, will there be any noticeable differences in art style and potentially in overall quality / details in the subsequent parts compared to the work that’s already completed? If that is not the case then is consistency being prioritized to make these new parts feel similar to the previous ones? Or is the intent prioritizing for the highest quality within the time and budget constraints and then looking at revising the style of the first three parts after the project is finished?


Excellent question! The priority is always in involving artists who are able to deploy a similarity in art style. Additionally, for artists who make the cut, K provides in depth training to ensure the artstyle remains consistent all throughout. The idea is to make sure that things are uniform as much as possible and then polishing thereafter.

Bobby Hill

IDK, I feel as if they're almost scamming ya'll but I guess that depends upon the Quality they're giving? I would also make sure that you go over any nooks and crannies to ensure they don't attempt to sue ya'll or anything. I haven't had the best experience with Fiverr artists so be careful.