That's why they call me Thumper! (Patreon)
Hopping onto the page to celebrate the Easter month was the adorable little rabbit, Thumper, as the first of our character models out this month. I printed him in 2 different sizes, large and small and both models turned out really nice, although I definitely prefer the smaller one, which just seems like a nicer fit alongside the other models. I plan to make quite a few characters from Bambi and I didn't want to run into sizing issues down the line, since Bambi is twice Thumper's size, so I decided to downsize my ornamental model.
Starting with the clean variant I painted Thumper in his true to life colours, using a mix of black and white Daler Rowney system 3 Acrylics to match his grey body. I then used Valejo Bone White for his beige patches and Scarlet Red mixed with Squid Pink for his mouth and nose. Finally to add some shading I dusted on some powdered soft pastels to create a nice smooth gradient across the model, adding some blush to his cheeks and highlights to his fur.
For the ornamental variant I painted Thumper's main coat in Valejo Chrome, using Arteza Glacier blue for his patterns. I then mixed Pearl White and Pearl Pink to create a really nice and subtle shade for all of his patch areas, and added pearl white to his chest and tail. Finally I used Strawberry Red and Hot Pink to paint his nose and mouth areas and Space Grey for his details.
Both versions have come out really nice but my favourite of the two is definitely the ornamental variant, the paint scheme looks lovely and his patterns have come out beautifully and really add a lot to this particular model I think. Overall for the collection, I'm really excited to model Flower and Bambi's Dad in particular but I generally plan to model most of the notable characters from the film, maybe even Ronno but I'm not quite sure about that one yet.
Which character's would you like to see out on the page soon? comment below! Next of our Easter models will be the quacking first addition to the new mini model collection!
See you in the next post,