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The first of this months character models was everyone's favourite crazy cat, Alice in Wonderland's Cheshire Cat. I was a little on the fence about this one before I started but I'm really pleased with the end result and his strange pose ended up making this such a fun and unique model to sculpt!

To paint him I used an undercoat of Valejo game and air and a top coat of Arteza Metallics. For his light stripes I used a 50/50 mix of squid pink and bone white, and Pearl Pink for the top coat. I then used a 70/30 mix of Pearl White and Pink for the patterns. For his dark stripes I used a 60/40 mix of squid pink and scarlet red, and Hot Pink for the Top Coat with Pearl Pink for the patterns.

I think he's worked out quite wonderfully and his bright colours look great alongside the rest of the models. He's such a fun character from a really whimsical film, so I can't help but smile when I look at him. Otherwise for the collection the Alice in Wonderland sculpts I have planned are the White Rabbit, an advanced model of the Caterpillar and possibly the Mad Hatters Tea Party at some point in the future.

Next out will be the 'This Way, That Way' Mug Tree coming on Friday!

As always thanks for subscribing,




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