Zuk-Zuk, Cinderelly. Zuk-Zuk! (Patreon)
Our first character model this month was Cinderella's lead mouse Jaq, chosen by Sarah and her niece. I've been really excited about getting the 3 part model finished for ages so this one has been long overdue! I think he's worked out pretty well despite his pose being more subtle than usual, he looks really cute and he fits in nicely with the scene alongside Gus. The renders of all 3 models are looking awesome so far! check the Jaq Wip post for a sneak peak, but I absolutely cannot wait to see them all together and I'll share some pictures to the page when its all finished. I've got so much painting to do.
To paint Jaq I used an undercoat of Valejo Beastly Brown, Blood Red for his hat and jumper, Orange for his jacket and Crimson for his shoes and nose. I then painted him with a topcoat of Arteza Copper, Strawberry Red, Raspberry Red and Tangerine Orange. I decided against painting his patterns because the renders looked a little busy and he's only small so sometimes they really do just look better untouched.
Other Cinderella models I have planned for the collection are Bruno, the rest of the mice and possibly Lucifer's girlfriend Pom Pom, I've also got tons of extras planned involving the mice, the carriage and even the castle!
Coming next I have a beautiful Glass Slipper sculpt inspired by Cinderella's dress making scene!
See you in the next post,