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This is a "living document," meaning it'll be updated and tinkered with as time goes on. Right now I'm thinking of it as some kind of comic format, but it's flexible. This is by no means finished or fleshed out, but someone may find it insightful in how to construct such a document for themselves, or get a kick out of seeing me argue with myself in the notes.



Okay, first of all, Harvestar on its own is some Grade A nightmare fuel right there. I feel like that is the sort of character who'd give Dalek-level nightmares to any kids following this series long into adulthood. I really enjoyed reading through this concept (and I'll be back for more if you do come back to this one). A few times you've talked on the Bumblekast about introducing your artists to the world and characters directly to give a sense of how they need to be portrayed and looking through this really kinda showed me what it means to do that. So it's a neat education! Also, I just love that campy 80s space-fantasy vibe, but where the characters all take themselves completely seriously, without any of that Marvel-fied winking at the camera. I feel it's important, because kids watching these shows do want to take it 100% seriously, but 80s shows had their own limitations and it'd be cool to see a modern take that can go all out. A bit like what I think that Netflix He-Man show was trying to go for? Starblight's description is also super cool! You sure do know how to think up a huge final boss monster and I hope someday someone puts you in charge of a project where you get to go all-out with that. With the heroes, just wanna say that Flashfire might be pretty relatable to retail workers / other minimum wage workers lmao Lastly, Astral Observer is definitely a grand enough name to work. You hear a name like that and you know this is a big, grand, power-giving thing.