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This short story was written years ago for an anthology contest. The prompt was a list of unused story prompt by H. P. Lovecraft. Entrants chose any prompt and spun a story out of it - nice and straight forward. My entry didn't win, but it did get on the "honorable mentions" list.

I later formatted it for another anthology publication. I'm uploading that format here as an example for folks looking to submit manuscripts of their own.



Darn, this one was another hard-hitter. Lately I've been listening to horror podcasts to try to explore a genre that I haven't thought about before and this story would fit perfectly into some of the short stories I hear on those. I'm shamefully not the most familiar with Lovecraft, but it feels like you really hit the nail on the head with this style. It was so engrossing to watch each of the characters changing over time and be unable to pull away from it. I felt the worst for Brittany out of all of them, though. :'(