Swing and a Miss (Patreon)
Howdy all,
I hate to say it, but I don't have an update for September. A bunch of false starts, sure, but nothing fit to put out there for consumption. I also got a ton of assignments in the last couple of weeks, which has occupied all my time and creativity.
I still don't like admitting defeat, though. So I'm going to put out an open call to you happy few. Gimme a writing prompt. Anything. Everything. (Not Sonic. Please, for the love of Pete, let me take a break from Sonic)
No poll, no time limit, no guidelines - just throw whatever you want out there. Maybe I can fixate on something and generate some text off of that. Maybe I can churn out something later this month? Maybe in October? I honestly can't say - it's going to be a busy month for me.
Thanks immensely for your patience and support.