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Toyman is a CREEEEEEP


Obsession (STAS)



I forgot just how creepy this episode is and specifically how creepy Toyman can be. But then again, we've seen him be creepy before. I recall a version of him from a movie you reacted to a while back, Superman: Doomsday where he kidnapped a school bus filled with kids. What he was going to do with them, I don't want to know at all. But this episode also shows just how dangerous he is. That he's intelligent enough to make all these type of crazy gadgets. But regardless of the creepiness of this episode, I wasn't expecting it so soon but I'm here for it. Just means we are getting closer to the end of this show as well. I've been rewatching some episodes of Batman Beyond and Justice League in anticipation of you watching them and I absolutely can't wait for the day when you start it! Thanks for another DC reaction Meg! I think you'll love the next one more than this

Matthew Cronin

This version of him is easily Superman’s scariest villain

Purple Yoshi

If you want the end to Darci’s story you’re going to have to watch Static Shock!

Brandon Gibbs

Yeah I know how you feel about Toyman in this one. He really WAS a creepy fool all obsessed with that Darci bot of his. She sorta had Pinocchio like feelings which he was not aware of obviously and that's why she wanted to get away from him.

Martin Li

I hope this episode doesn't leave you negative towards BTAS' 'Beware the Creeper'. Very Mad Hatter-esque depiction of Toyman, with one his creations turning rogue a la Growing Pains. There is only one episode of STAS left that's more disturbing than this... not sure if you want to watch that one.