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Well, this was the perfect sequel for me. My mind is totally blown. Need to watch Revolutions ASAP--the Wachowski Sisters are AWESOME!!!


The Matrix Reloaded



YEEEEESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! This one is my personal favorite because it seems like the directors were able to fully realize some of their original ideas, and on such a grand scale this time too. The music, the sound design, the action, the visuals, the editing, the entirety of the highway scene (which they built an entire 1.5-mile freeway JUST for this movie on an old naval base and destroyed it after filming), and especially the existential questions and ideas presented, of course. I hate that I have to go to bed but I'm super excited to see your reaction tomorrow after work! Thank you for all the consistently awesome content!!!

Matthew Cronin

I’m glad you liked this, the Matrix sequels get a LOT of undeserved hate. I think this one is my favorite but I’m not sure.

Martin Li

'Is this real life? Is this just fantasy?' An unfortunate case of 'sequel curse'. The original film was transcendent and meant as a stand-alone, and so any effort to expand on it is going to inevitably feel forced and artificial. Machinelike, one might say. When it comes to martial arts spectacle fighting however, nothing beats it- I still watch the 'Burly Brawl' (the Neo/Smith fight) semi-annually. I also enjoyed the interactions with the rogue programs, who I've heard described as 'Greek Gods'. Beings who are inseparably part of the Matrix who've developed enough interest in humans to adopt some of our customs and formats, yet clearly are separate from humans, capable of using the backdoors and other tricks. Like the rest of the film they're in, they are entertaining but lack purpose.

Chess Red Eagle

I honestly think this is the better of the two especially once you realize just how much philosophy and religious lore is reference here. It's really cool. The last movie is definitely the worst but honestly it's still a good time. And yes, Bane is Agent Smith. He took over Bane's body in the Matrix and then used the phone to enter the real world. I wouldn't worry about missing that or anything. It's easy to miss stuff in these movies and they definitely warrant rewatches to truly grasp everything.

Judge Brehon

I hope you watch the Animatrix at some point. It was made by the Wachowskis and is canon to the rest of the franchise, so it gives backstory to what happens in the movies. In addition, it is a beautiful work of art.