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DC: Up Next!

  • Batman Beyond 88
  • Green Lantern Animated Series 11
  • Justice League 143
  • Harley Quinn 27
  • 2024-11-13
  • 269 votes
{'title': 'DC: Up Next!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Batman Beyond', 'votes': 88}, {'text': 'Green Lantern Animated Series', 'votes': 11}, {'text': 'Justice League', 'votes': 143}, {'text': 'Harley Quinn', 'votes': 27}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 13, 16, 52, 15, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 269}


Wow I can't believe we're done with BTAS! I'm emotional but glad we have so much ahead of us to watch. I'll never forget the experience of watching perhaps the best animated show with all of you. 🤍

We still have STAS to finish, but I definitely want to try out something new alongside it! I'm unbiased, and really don't mind pure continuity or a rigid order. So, what sounds most exciting to you all?



DC better make a Wonder Woman show that is actually good so people can make reaction content for her.

Matthew Cronin

You should definitely watch Justice League before Batman Beyond, or at least side by side.

Brandon Gibbs

STATIC SHOCK!!! How come I don't see that in this poll here?


Batman beyond is amazing and I think it's the better show, but I'm voting justice league, because you'll get more characters you haven't seen much of, and see new characters, and it's always fun when meg finds a new character to fall in love with


Agree with this! I also hope they finally give us new news on that Wonder Woman game that Monolith has been working on


if Justice league does get picked I recommend only watching the original show and not watching the sequel show "justice league unlimited" until you've watched batman beyond as without spoiling anything it will add so much needed context to a couple of episodes. One episode in particular pretty much requires you watch batman beyond first. edit: i also recommend making sure you've at least watched the superman TAS episode "Brightest day" before starting justice league although you may be alright without it since you've watched some other non dcau movies

Malcolm Lang-Burney

Honestly she can just skip that one particular episode and make it THE final episode she watches of the DCAU.


Same. I hope it just comes out and doesn’t end up getting canceled


sure but theres an earlier episode that benefits from watching at least some batman beyond too


I know this might be a static SHOCK to see it's not on there! 🤣


I’m hoping Batman Beyond wins but if Justice League ends up winning, I’m fine with that. I just hope that if you do watch Justice League, you’ll be done with STAS by the time you reach season 2 of JL since that’s when things start really connecting with the other shows like BTAS and STAS

Brandon Gibbs

Ha ha, but there must be something you can do to add it. But if not then perhaps next time.

eli lambert

Justice league for sure


If you can't decide, B:Beyond and Justice League can be watched in a similar way to what you did for Batman and Superman, where you just occasionally need to catch up on one to avoid spoiling the other.

Matthew Cronin

I’d also really like to recommend Batman Caped Crusader, the new series by Bruce Timm

Brandon Dodge

I'd probably say Batman Beyond for now and Justice League when STAS finishes.


Justice League was THE cartoon when I was a kid. Me and my friends would each play as the main characters everyday at school. (I was always Batman because yo boy knew wassup)


Being rude to Meg and throwing a tantrum is not how you get someone to watch something. Be a better human.

Brandon Gibbs

Okay I know! It's just that Static Shock is one of the best DC animated series that she should see.

Chi Ogilvie

My vote is definitely Justice League. In my experience, watching Batman Beyond right after another Batman show led to some burnout. And under your “you scratch my back” episode you mentioned that you’re already feeling it with BTAS. Beyond is great but not new enough in my opinion. However, Justice League is fresh and crazy and characters you’ve already expressed interest in from one-off movies become some the most emotionally rich characters in the DCAU. The world building gets turned up to 11. Romance takes a larger focus. It’s just something special.


I think you can jump into Batman Beyond when you finish Superman TAS. But up next should definitely be Justice League!


Justice League and Justice League Unlimited were THE definitive DC cartoons for me growing up. They hold a special place in my heart!

Martin Li

I would recommend starting Batman Beyond first over Justice League, as there is an event at the end of STAS that heavily influences Justice League that you may not get to for a while. Also, Batman Beyond is shorter.

Jason Dreibeblis

If justice league wins, avoid the episode: Epilogue, it has MAJOR spoilers for Batman Beyond


batman beyond is only shorter by one episode. Remember justice league and justice league unlimited are two separate shows.


epilogue is an episode of justice league unlimited not justice league. It'd be pretty easy to watch batman beyond in between the two.

Chris Gallucci

You're not done with BTAS yet. There's still the Mystery of the Batwoman movie