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heyz and happy friDayz!
enjoy my rambley lil chat where i cut multiples times to blow my nose lol (don't worry, i deleted them) here's the tl;dl (too long; didn't listen)
❥ server movie night: i dropped the ball a bit on the last planned sever movie night, so i'm going to re-poll dates/times and actually stream a movie for you all! yay!
❥ reddit dayz lore: legit just me rambling about some of my reddit lore about posting audios lol
❥ first holiday audio: the 1st holiday audio that i was going to post can't be posted to patreon bc of their tos but it's so fun and festive and sexy! so i'm figuring out places in addition to reddit that i can post it for you all; stay tuned
❥ lastly:  it's december! woohoo! and happy holiDayz! over the next few days i'll be posting the november recap, the december dayz ahead, and 2 audios (1 naughty and 1 nice) for your post NNN enjoyment



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