February Patreon Update (Patreon)
Milestones and Daily Doodles have been closed
Due to my work schedule I don't really have a place for these right now. Daily Doodles have fizzled out due to a lack of interest and motivation and thusly I've removed them.
The animation thing is an entirely different beast. I have large projects in the works that will take me through all of February through April potentially. This milestone will return once I'm finished with these projects.
I'm open to suggestions on new milestones to place. It'll be difficult to fit in more work though, so there might me something I can do that I'm not considering yet.
New Gold/Platinum slots.
On February 1st, new Gold and Platinum slots are opening up. Keep an eye out for those!
February Plan.
I'm hoping to have all of the patron streams done by February 10th so I can work on Ladon's comic for the rest of the month. Commissions will remain closed while I do this. However, I may take the slots in advance so I can get a lock on them and prevent additional anticipation. I know some people are eagerly waiting for the next slots so I might take them and add a disclaimer saying they won't be worked on for about a month or so.
March and onward.
Once Ladon's comic is finished I'll be working hard on the Chuki guide until that's done, and then regular work will resume as normal with other Chuki related projects going on the side.
Thanks so much for the support this far. I'll be continuing to work even harder now. 2017 is the year of git gud