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the sopranos 306 full



Lol please stop reacting to cartoons and just do like 4 episodes Sopranos every week. You guys are the best


Well what would you call it? It's like when someone tells you to stop playing with dolls, you say "they're not dolls they're action figures!" Whaddya gonna do

Reuben Filimaua

Okay technically yes they are a cartoon. But they're quality anime 😄 Prob better than most things the west comes out with nowadays.

Clay F

Yes, please more non-anime (non-cartoon) content.

Clay F

"$50 and you have to give me a blowjob later." That was an interesting parallel you observed with Meadow and Tracee. I hadn't thought about that. I have never liked Noah. Starting with his first appearance, and with his on-going attitude, he has such a punchable face (though, I am not advocating violence). Hard to enjoy the scenery in the Bada Bing! with the exploitation and abuse also going on. Right before Ralphie beat the shit out of Tracee, killing her, you said "I want to turn this episode off." Then later, you said "this was a disgusting episode" and "I literally felt sick to my stomach." Ralphie has revealed himself to be as bad as Richie was. Ralphie is such a loser. Sub-human. Tony felt empathy and was moved by Tracee being killed, but the show would not be realistic if that lasted -- Tony is financially successful in a horrible business. For the most part, the main characters are going to be unsavory and there will be violence. It's the premise and setting of the series. The audience pays a price in watching this stellar groundbreaking series. The Sopranos = IMDb 9.2, RT 92% (Audience 96%), Metacritic 94% (user 9.3)


I don't like anime but if they seem to like it so I don't see what the big deal is.

Víctor Malheiros

I mean, it is very hard to watch, but I can appreciate how realistically brutal they made it look. When I saw it for the first time I was like: "cmon tony we gotta have this ralphie cocksucka whacked".

Víctor Malheiros

they're not cartoons! They are japanese animation series, how many times do I gotta tell you? you fuckin' stunad


Are yall gonna comment on this every episode? It's great that a variety of things are reacted to. There's already a lot of channels that do only one or the other.


Comment on what? This was my first comment on this topic. (I'm assuming you're talking about cartoons)


Noah is such a weirdo lol. Tony should've hated Noah based on that very valid reason and not because the kids a "Hasidic homeboy" 🤣

space colon

Sopranos might be too dark for you guys I don’t know if it’s worth considering dropping Sopranos is really a thesis on 21st century America through the eyes of 3rd generation immigrant crime families, similar to The Wire it documents real world American suffering on a micro level but with less of a focus on government Sopranos and The Wire are good for a lot of reasons but they are heavy and real

Christian Valdersnes

well i agree with you, but i think we are over the worst. melfi being raped, and a stripper who we got to know being killed.. its horrifying. but it will be better. S3 is dark. but there is also some fun episodes in this season. please continue.

Joe Lazarus

I like episode 6, "University". Obviously focused around the three young women; Meadow, Caitlin(roomate), and Tracee(stripper) Med is very privileged. Has every opportunity. Street smart, book smart, the world is at her feet based on her upbringing. Tracee is at the bottom of that scale. Shit upbringing, school dropout and probably multiple abusive relationships which led her down the road to being a stripper. Then there's Caitlin. A fish out of water from a small town in OK, entering the mean streets of the Big Apple where you have to have a thick skin to survive. She's also privileged but very sheltered. It's culture shock compounded with latent mental health issues. For Caitlin, she doesn't realize that people like Tracee exist / what their life is like day to day. The worst thing that happens to Caitlin is a homeless woman with a daily news up her butt and a smelly subway train. A day in the life of Tracee would give Caitlin a full psychotic break. Loved how this episode parallels the 3 of them beautifully. It really is a standout episode.


They watched and loved the wire and band of brothers which the sopranos can’t touch in terms of darkness.


I love their sopranos reaction but those types of comments are so annoying... I don't remember people commenting that with the wire or black sails. You really think they're gonna listen to you or something? It's been a while that they are watching animes and they're not gonna stop since some of them are literally their favorite shows ever.

Nick S

The Wire and Band of Brothers are only darker than the Sopranos if you're looking at them from an extremely surface-level perspective, and even then it's arguable (especially for the Wire, I mean come on). But the Sopranos is probably the most nihilistic show ever put to television.


I agree, i think imo S3 is the darkest season in terms of hard to watch scenes, but this is about as far as it goes in terms of graphic content. I hope they dont drop the show, because the later seasons really are amazing.