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Heya! Last month of the year! Hope you enjoyed my work on 2024, and keep up with 2025!


Remember when I was looking for a colorist?

Just wanted to let you guys know, I found 3 great colorists - whose work I plan to post along December and January. During these months most of my output will be colored Sketch Requests that I have done on 2024.

I'd like to say that it's because I will take vacations, but saddly that's not true haha, I shall keep drawing on December and January - my plan is to use these months to draw a lot and have a backlog of art. If that works out, I will have more time to dedicate my art across 2025, and maybe even release a book.

During this period I will still be posting DRAFTS for the upcoming comics and sequences AND I will still be doing SKETCH REQUESTS.




Can't wait to see how the new colorists color the colors colorfuly XD


Ah man, I was sure my Kaiba request would go through since it got faved, can probably guess there was just too much else


Who are Ashley and Jane?