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I liked the design and personality so much that I decided to make a comic out of it. Hope you guys like! An expanded version of the story is going to be posted in 2 days! 




Yay I was hoping this one would get a sequence! It is indeed a great design! Although she doesn't appear to have shrunk as much in the sequence as compared to what the story leads you believe


are all the girls bimbos

Sam Mann

On the one hand, she's now on her way to be as petty as the other pro heroes that work for fame and glory. On the other hand, she still has most of her instincts and likely a greater sense of self worth wich isn't a bad thing


Kinda what I was going for! Ultimately what I wanted to do was change the character in a way that would still be a complex character with good parts and flaws. (I wrote the original story if that isn’t clear lol)


ok so are they like in the bimbo caragory like a smart bimbo