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I was thinking in maybe making their names different on this continuity. Any of you guys have any suggestions? 




Maybe Jesse and Kayla? Feels like it rolls off the tongue better


How about Jocelyn and Kassie? I’m not sure you’re plan for Casey’s end result will be, but based on the sketch she looks like she’d use a “K” rather than a “C” cause it’s cooler.

Sam Mann

Goth: Cassandra Geek: J_Poggerz

The Sheriff

I fuck with Jocelyn

Bakers Twofeet

I think you could keep it the same. They still work imo.


Carmen for the whole XIXth century/opera vibe. Jezebel to make it extra goth


Jessie and chelsea? For phonetics


Only just realized I might have mixed up the names and faces. If Casey is the one looking more old-timey, then maybe their name could become Clarissant; but you could keep Jocelyn with the gamer tag of “Jo-Z” or something like that.