Apologies For Being Slow and Quiet (Patreon)
I'm sorry for being so quiet lately, everyone. I'm sure many of you are waiting on me for your stories, and again, I am very sorry.
I won't go into details, nor will I make excuses, but I just want to keep you all informed about what's been keeping me from working. Unfortunately a close relative of mine, an older relative, is suffering due to health complications.
I almost don't want to talk about it out of fear of jinxing things or something, but their condition has been a heavy weight on myself and my family.
Writing is typically a good stress outlet, but this person is closer to me than my own father was, so I've just had some difficulty getting into the right headspace.
I'm not trying to make excuses. You guys are paying for a service, and I'll do my best to give you that service. I just want to make things clear what's going on on my side of things.
Don't take this as me asking for money. Don't take this as me asking for pity. I'm just trying to be transparent.
As always, I thank all of you for your support and companionship. I'm truly blessed to have people who actually want to support my work, and to actually pay for my writing. Thank you very much.