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Hello you wonderful Deviants,

Recently Patreon updated their guidelines which will affect a lot of NSFW artists.

You can read guidelines here if you have any interest yourself: Community Guidelines — Patreon

The Guidelines state "It is paramount that Adult/18+ creators demonstrate consent in all works (real or animated; photo, video, written, audio) between adult participants or characters; specifically, a freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of consent by a statement or by a clear affirmative action. Additionally, participants and characters must be able to give consent (i.e. not be under the influence of alcohol, drugs, hypnosis, blackmail). “Consensual non-consent” works, in which participants or characters engage in simulated non-consensual encounters, are not permitted. Accompanying a work that features a non-consensual encounter with a statement claiming that the encounter was consensual is a violation of Patreon guidelines."

content needs to be crystal clear that it is consensual.

First, ALL CONTENT I have posted has been consensual.

And that is the thing I want to focus on, "consent", which is where other NSFW are being most effected. I have historically done this through facial expressions or pleasurable moans if/when i do sound. Simply stating it is consensual isn't enough.

But to ensure there is no ambiguity, I will be trying to add some more indicators where I can, "little love hearts coming off the people" type thing, and i'll probably have to limit facial expressions to exclusively happy (no surprised faces type thing) - so im sorry if that removes any immersion. But Last thing I want to do is get banned or in trouble, so I hope you can understand.



No problem man. If you get banned where am I going to get my daily dose of pixels :D

Giulio Tavano

From your page i think the ones that will mostly be effected would be the mimics and tenacles so keep an eye on that


I had the exact same thought, So I actually updated this, and funnily enough it helps with the game - as Damsel in Distresses will now be "Kink Hunters" so I updated the post, they specifically seek out enjoyment from certain activities, and you are only saving them from themselves as they are getting carried away with their own pleasure they consensually sought out. :)